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Poo Poo Platter

Poo Poo Platter

New from BaronBob is this fabulous collection of poop, the Poo Poo Platter. It’s all of your favorite fake feces shrinked wrapped together for the first time.

Here’s what you get…

  • Fake cat crap
  • Fake doggie dukey
  • Party Pooper (designed to lay on a toilet seat)
  • Poop Pen (real working pen)
  • Fart Spray (so that even fake stuff can smell real)

Here’s an idea just for shits and giggles. Lay the fake dog poop on a seat inside someone’s car. Then spray the interior of the car with fart spray. If they’re smart enough to know the poop is fake, the smell will make ’em think twice.

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We hope to have more stock in very soon. If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.